Category Archives: Public

Annual Game Dinner

AnnualGameDinnerJoin us for our annual game dinner February 17th at 6:00 pm. At the American Legion Post 158.
If you would like to contribute, please contact the club Secretary. Salads or sides are always needed as well.

2016 Gun Show Calander

January 17 – 18:  Augusta Civic Center – 200 tables.

February 20 -21: Manchester, NH @ Radisson Hotel Expo (I-293 Exit 5, 700 Elm St. – 300 tables.

Feb 27 – 28: West Lebanon, NH @ Fireside Inn (I-89 Exit 20, 25 Airport Rd. – 125 tables.

April 2 -3: Twin City Gun Show, 65 Central Ave. Lewiston. 9am – 4pm & 9am – 3pm. – 250 tables.

April 9 – 10: Biddeford, ME @ Biddeford Ice Arena (I-95 Exit 32, Rte 111, 14 Pomerleau St. – 175 tables.

April 16 – 17: Concord, NH @ Everett Ice Arena (I-93 Exit 14, 15 Loudon Rd., Rte 9E – 285 tables.

Aug 20 – 21:  Augusta Civic Center – 200 tables.

Sept 10 – 11: Concord, NH @ Everett Ice Arena (I-93 Exit 14, 15 Loudon Rd., Rte 9E – 285 tables.

Hours are Saturday 9 – 5 and Sunday 9 – 2

December Update

Timage001he next meeting is scheduled for January 20th, at 7:00 PM, in the upstairs meeting room at the American Legion in Lisbon.

You may renew Membership there or through the mail. Applications can be downloaded from our website. The dues are the same at $40.

Keep in mind that the gate code changes January 1st, and if you’re looking to try out that new gun you got for Christmas, do so before January 1st or renew your Membership.

This weather will eventually change and the bare ground will change to snow. If the ground does not have a chance to freeze before we get a snow storm and you want to use the range, please stay on the graveled driveway and walk down to the firing line. We do not like to repair ruts in the spring.


Membership dues are coming up. Down load the membership form and get it out of the way.

The next club meeting is November 18th at the American Legion Post 158

If you want to share pictures of this years hunt, send them to Vic and we’ll get them posed on our website and Facebook page.

Don’t forget the annual wild game dinner in February.

Latest Club News

The range will be closed Sept 19th & 20th for berm maintenance.

The next club meeting is Sept 16th at 7pm. Our guest speaker will be Senator Brakey.  Senator Brakey sponsored and was instrumental in passage of the new Constitutional Carry law allowing Maine citizens to conceal carry without a permit.

Upcoming Meetings

May 20 agenda: Please welcome special guest David Trahan, Executive Director of Sportsman’s Alliance of Maine (SAM)

** Beginning with May, meetings will be held  at the Clubhouse **

June 17 agenda: Please welcome special guest Dick Galgovitch



If you missed January’s meeting, then here are the newly elected officers:

  • Bob Jordan, President
  • Laura Henton, Vice President
  • Vicki Millett, Secretary
  • Dean Logan, Treasurer

Also welcome two new board members: Nelson Gagnon and Doc Foster.

Thank you all for stepping up and helping the club.

Wild Game Dinner

The next meeting will be February 18th.  Starting at 6:00pm, (1800 hours for some of you) we’ll be holding a wild game dinner before the meeting begins. Please feel free to contribute some of your game and favorite recipe.

The local Game Warden, will also be joining us for a Q&A.

See you all there.

Club Events

Monthly club meeting are located at the American Legion, Post 158 (Lisbon), 2nd floor.

January 21st  Agenda

Elect new officers: Chairman, Vice Chairman, Secretary, Treasurer and two Board seats.

February 18th Agenda

Wild game dinner. Please feel free to share some of your game and favorite recipe.  Dinner served at 6pm.

March 18th Agenda

Please welcome special guest David trahan, Executive Director of SAM

April 15th Agenda

Please welcome special guests IF&W Biologists Jenifer Vashon and Randy  Cross.

Time To Renew Membership!

Its that time of the year when membership dues are due.  Dues have been increased to $40 in order to fund some much needed improvements.  Be sure to fill out the membership application and get your dues in. The gate code will be changed.