As spring approaches, the snow melts and the ground thaws, please be careful to not rut the roads. If you happen to do so, you can find tools in the clubhouse to fill the ruts back in.
All posts by Tim McClure
9 MM Ammo Raffle!

1,000 rounds of CCI Blazer 115gr 9mm ammunition!
$5.00 per ticket. This raffle is limited to 1000 tickets. Raffle to be held when tickets are sold out.
Tickets can be purchased online using our donation link. Donate an amount in $5.00 increments and you will be provided an equal number of tickets. The donation button is located top left of the website
Tickets can also be purchased by printing out the form below and mailing, along with payment, to PO Box 82 Lisbon ME 04250.
Winner must be able to legally own and possess ammunition.
Shooting Activities
5 Stand Trap Shoot

Trap shoots are scheduled every Sunday, April through the end of November. (Weather permitting)
$3 per string/$4 for non-members.
25 shots per string.
Shooting begins at Noon.
The Rifle Range is closed during trap shoots.
5 Plate Steel Pistol Shoot

The 2nd and 4th Saturday of the month.
$10 per gun.
Shooting begins at 9:00 am on Saturday & 1:00 pm Sunday.
Please bring enough magazines to complete a string. A string consists of 25 shots.
Beginners are welcome to all of our shooting events.
October Activities
This October we have the following activities taking place:
October 10: The ranges will be closed from 1:30 pm – 3:30 pm as a curtesy to a neighbor holding and video recording an outdoor wedding.
October 17th: Rifle range is open to the public for rifle sight in. 10am – 2:00pm
Monthly Meeting: This months member’s meeting will be held at the American Legion. Oct 21st 7:00pm.
5 Stand Trap Shoot

The 1st and 3rd Sunday of the month.
$3 per string/$4 for non-members.
25 shots per string.
Shooting begins at Noon.
The Rifle Range is closed during trap shoots.
5 Plate Steel Pistol Shoot

The 2nd and 4th Saturday of the month.
$10 per gun.
Shooting begins at 9:00 am on Saturday & 1:00 pm Sunday.
Please bring enough magazines to complete a string. A string consists of 25 shots.
Gun & 50/50 raffle

Colt Cobra and 50/50 Raffle.
Drawing will be held in November 2020
To enter the raffle, fill out the form and mail it in with payment. Make checks out to Lisbon Fish & Game Assoc.
You will receive a receipt via email.
All proceeds to go towards our new clubhouse.
Download the raffle form here.
You can also purchase tickets via our donation button. Be sure to use the PayPal comment section to note how many tickets and for which raffle. Also leave your name and phone number.
The Colt was generously donated by Brandon Corkum.
Range Status: COVID -19
Lisbon Fish & Game is remaining open during the COVID-19 Pandemic.
A. All member are expected to follow recommended guidelines concerning “Social Distancing Rules” That is maintaining six feet between other members and guests.
B. We are not limiting the number of members on the facility, but are relying on your good judgment to determine whether it is safe to use the ranges.
C. In addition, before leaving, please wipe down any surfaces you come in contact with with a disinfectant. You will be expected to provide your own wipes.
D. Please take all trash with you when you leave.
E. Do not enter the clubhouse. The sign in sheet and guest waivers will be available in a bucket located outside the building. As will the safety flags.
F. Please take all trash with you when you leave.
This may change depending on how the pandemic progresses. So check this website or our Facebook page for updates before leaving for the club.
Other than that stay safe and enjoy.
Common Semi-Automatic Handgun MALFUNCTIONS
Always keep your muzzle pointed in a safe direction!
Semi-automatic Malfunctions
Type 1: Failure to Fire
- Inspect handgun.
- Tap the magazine to re-seat it.
- Rack the slide to eject the bad round
Type 2: Stovepipe
- Common cause is poor or weak grip
- Inspect the handgun
- Place your hand over the slide and sweep the brass without racking the slide.
Type 3: Failure to go into Battery
- Common causes include: Dirty handgun, bad ammo or a weak spring.
- Inspect handgun. Is the slide in battery?
- Whack the back of the slide forward.
Type 4: Double Feed
- Common causes: dirty extractor or failure to eject casing.
- Inspect handgun.
- Remove magazine
- Rack slide three times.
- Inspect chamber.
Gun Rights are women’s rights

Women’s Group Pot Luck & Meeting

Wednesday, November 6th at 6:00 pm.
MTM Community Center, 18 School Street, Lisbon Falls – Room 10. (Far left entrance – look for the sign on the door.)
If you were able to join in at one of our shoots or would like to come for the first time to see what you think, bring a friend and join us for the last meeting of 2019.
Bring a small main dish, salad or dessert to share. I’ll have assorted beverages, everything we need for plates, bowls, cups, napkins, silverware, power strips, chili and corn muffins to get us started.
We’ll recap our first season and brainstorm some ideas for next year.
Instead of a meeting fee, for each $5.00 donation to benefit the LFGA Clubhouse Fund Raiser, receive a chance to win a 22 Caliber, or a Maglula Uplula Speed Loader.
Sight In Day
All in all, Saturday’s Public Sight In Day was great! 12 people show up to sight in their rifles for hunting season. Of that, two people joined and a few more took applications home. I got to meet and talk to some interesting people. And we collected $111.00 in donations!
I have to say gun owners are some of the friendliest people I know.
Hats off to our volunteers Cheryl, Jon and Mike!
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